Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of school!

  Today was Leah's first day of school. Dave and I both had to drink last night to calm our nerves. It's such an odd thing how hard it is to drop her off at school. I never understood it until now. I will say that both Leah and I did much better than I expected! Leah did not even blink an eye when it was time for me to leave. WHEW! Let's hope it continues to be such a success.
  Our main reason for starting Leah in school so early was socializing. She has had VERY limited time with other children and gets very anxious around them. The teachers and principle said that she did not play at all today- just stood and watched- for 2 1/2 hours. Looks like we made the right decision! I am sure it won't be long until she finds herself in the group. GO LEAH!