I hope so!!! Last night for the first time I found Kate sucking her thumb in the night. I know many of you will disagree with me on this but I REALLY want Kate to find her thumb. I find it so much more natural and attractive than a plug in their mouth. I know it can be a bad habit to break but so can so many other things that kids do. Thumb sucking seems like such a nice way to self soothe and is not offensive to me at all. Suck away Kate!
Did I mention she sleeps 9-10 hour stretches EVERY night for the past couple weeks. Goes to bed at 8 and does not wake again until at least 5. Now if I could just get to sleep at 8! HA!
Another note on sleep. This is the "Nap Nanny" Kate is sleeping in in the photo. Just got it but so far it's GREAT! Kate has a bit harder time getting to sleep for naps and she fell asleep in this all on her own the first time. They are a bit pricey but I found this one at a local discount sore and thought I would give it a try. I will keep you updated.