Leah really had a growth spurt this last week or so. She is noticeably bigger! And SO much fun now that all her teeth are in!!! Lets see, hmmm. I am borrowing that from Leah, she says it every time we walk into a room, or store. "Let's see, hmmm".
Leah is still a bit behind in her gross motor skills, still not walking up stairs unassisted. I REALLY can't wait for that day as we have a couple short sets of stairs from our driveway to our front door. Not fun when your hands are full.
But what she lacks in motor skills she makes up for in speaking. The girl is a talker! Its all short three or four word sentences now. "More grapes please? Thanks Grandma." So damn cute! She now knows all her letters, numbers, and colors well and is starting to learn the sounds the letters make "ffffffff fffff ffffff F". Leah also really enjoys watching me write the names of all the people she knows while telling her which letters are in their names. She is just a little sponge.
Dave and I have introduced the concept that their are numbers greater than 10. Who knew? For months everything has ended with 10, now there is 11, and 12, and 13? What the? I took a few days for Leah to get but now she can almost count to 20. Although more often than not, it goes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20! Leah is apparently not a fan of 16, 17 and 18.