Friday, May 20, 2011

Wheels on the bus.

This video is a bit long and a snoozer for anyone other than grandparents. So for the rest of you fast forward to the last few seconds where Leah will demonstrate that dads on busses fart the whole time. You may wonder why? Well, what else do dads do on busses? Help me out here if you have a better idea!
As with many kids her age, this song is a definite favorite.
The neighborhood school bus stop is right in front of our house. This means that between morning and afternoon kindergarten, elementary, and junior high, the bus stops in front of our house about 8 times a day. And when you consider not only does the bus stop for great viewing, but many KIDS get on or off, you will understand that much of Leah’s day is spent anticipating and watching for the next bus! “Watch bus, watch bus, watch bus?”