Leah continues to really try and talk more and more these days. When you are talking to her she studies your mouth and tries to repeat the word. It is very interesting to watch! Her favorite things right now are:
The "A" and the "H"- These are foam letters for the tub. These two particular letters bring hours of entertainment. She will crawl around the house with them and "talk" to them while spinning in circles. Or sit in the tub and splash with her legs while holding them in her hands.
Wooden circles and rectangles- same thing, Leah will get one in each hand and spin and sing or spin and talk to them. Usually the blue and red ones.
Baby- of course.
Playing monsters with dad- they growl and chase each other around the house.
Animals, all animals, even rats!
And people. She has really enjoyed all her time with family and friends the last few weeks.