Monday, September 27, 2010

Nick & Ellie's wedding weekend!

Well, not as great as planned! The poor babies spent 80% of this weekend in the huge suburban we rented, driving around looking for flowers( there was a flower shortage of sorts). The other 20% of the time was on the boob. Nights were hellish with two babies in the same hotel room. Just when one falls asleep,the other cries and then they are both awake again. But here are a few good moments in the nightmare: Leah loves her aunt Nicole and full length mirrors! Also, the wedding was beautiful and Ellie looked gorgeous! Plus, flowers were found!!! We did leave early, the babies were just not having anymore of it, I had to pull a runaway bridesmaid. Once we got back to Grandmas house, things are soooo much better. The wonders of good sleep! Happy Honeymoon Nick and Ellie!

I didn't have the energy to pull out the camera but my mom got these shots.