Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We had Leah's 9 month check-up today. It was a bit ahead of schedule( a week or so) but much needed. We wanted our pediatricians opinion on the posterior tongue-tie diagnosis, and help with the SCREAMING!!!! It has been SO bad again the last few nights. I really thought her poor little body was going to blow up.

Well, we have some new reflux meds to try, and tomorrow we will have her tongue-tie clipped( I am crying just thinking about it). If after a week or so the problem is not substantially better, we will try putting her on an elimination aid. The doc if very confident that the problem lies somewhere between her mouth and butt, so now it is just a process of elimination(ha).

The good news is, even with all her struggles to eat, digest, and poop, Leah continues to be right on target with her growth. 19lbs 7oz (55%) and 281/2" (76%). And her brain must be getting big, her head is 45(75%).

Send happy tongue-tie clipping thoughts our way tomorrow around 9 am. THANKS!