This is almost 2 weeks late but....
At her two week appointment Kate was 7 lbs. 14 oz. (25%) and 21 inches (50%). She had already gained back her birth weight (6 lbs. 10 oz.) and added well over a pound! She is doing great!
So far Kate is a good sleeper, naps and night time. She wakes once, sometimes twice a night just to eat so far. Whew!
Also, not a screamer!!!!!! I actually don't mind hearing her cry at all. Although after Leah, anything would be an improvement.
Kate is a puker! I almost never used a burp cloth with Leah. With Kate I wash them all every day!
I am REALLY enjoying Kate. I am very in love with my girls!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Birthday Cake
Leah and I made cupcakes on Easter sunday to celebrate Kate's birthday. I think I ate 80% of them. Mmmm sugar!
Sisters meeting
Leah spent the day and night with Grandma Mary and Papa Joel the night Kate was born. This was her first night staying at their place and she did great! These were taken the next morning when Leah came to the hospital to meet her sister. They make me cry.
Visit from the Carver's
Aaron, Robin, Lauren and Cameron brought Grandma Mason out with them for a visit a few days after Kate was born. They have since been back a couple other times. We LOVE having them and it is VERY cute to see how much Cameron loves his baby cousins!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Photos round 1
Leah studying Kate |
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Kate and Uncle Kurt |
Leah likes to wear the potato head glasses. And make us wear them too! |
Dave and his girls! |
Aunt Nicole and Kate. |
My posts may not make a whole lot of sense for the next while. There are things I would like to say and so many good photos but no the time to get it on here. I will keep trying! This is a shot of Leah holding Kate the day we came home from the hospital. What a proud big sister! I will say for the first two weeks Leah did not pay to much attention to Kate. Grandma Schmidt was here and Dave was home. Then we had a visit from Nicole, Adam, Chloe, and Grandpa Schmidt for a few days. She was pretty busy! Not to mention all the daily visitors. Now that the dust has settled, she is really starting to get to know her baby sister. Maybe a little rough at times but hey, what are big sisters for?
Monday, April 9, 2012
Happy Easter
Luckily I had all Easter preparations made early just in case. Leah had a great time hunting eggs and receiving way too many gifts from loving grandparents! Then, I went to take a shower and Dave let her eat ALL her candy! What? That's a dad for you.
Baby Kate
Kate seems to change every day. It's day four and she looks so different already. Her face is losing it's all squished up and distorted after birth look. I think she is looking more like Leah all the time! We are all doing quite well so far. Kate has been giving me some very long (7 hour) stretches of sleep at night that I hope will continue for a while! She is a great nurser and huge popper just like her sister!
Birth Day.
This was taken the morning Kate was born. We were gathering things up, getting ready to take Leah out to Grandma Mary and Papa Joel's house for the day/night? Contractions had been getting stronger for the last few weeks and really strong the last week. Around 3 a.m. on Thursday morning I could no longer ignore that the baby was coming that day. Contractions were still 20-30 min apart so I knew there was plenty of time. After we all got up and Dave left for work, my mom and I took a few pictures before we headed out. As soon as we dropped Leah off my body and mind relaxed enough to get down to the business of birthing. Contractions went from 20 min to 6 min apart within the hour. Then after a quick visit to the chiropractor they were about every 4 min. We stopped in at the midwifes office around 2:30 and I was dilated to about 3 cm. I was admitted to L&D and my water broke around 4. Dave met us at the hospital along with Claire my doula. I could not have done it without them! Kate was born at 9:43 thursday night, April 5. Hooray, so glad she is here!!!!
A very big worm!
While working in the yard last week Leah ran up to Dave and I and announced that Senora was playing with "a very big worm". I guess it has been a while since she saw a snake. Once we told he what it was, she really enjoyed it as much as the cat!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Ready for this Grandma Schmidt?
This is a little video to prepare my mom for what life is like around here right now. LOUD! Get ready and we will see you wednesday!
Daily Chores
Leah has a few daily chores she loves to do. Feeding the chickens, goats and cats are her favorites. She sees Dave and I have to keep the chickens in the coop with our feet when we leave or enter. This has led to her thinking it is okay to kick the chickens. GREAT!
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